Hey there!
I don’t have a whole lot to say today…only a collection of random thoughts and happenings.
one // We’re nearing the end of our peach season, and while it has been an absolute blast, I am ready for a break. Working six days a week is starting to catch up with me, and I feel like my house needs a serious scrubbing down from all the accumulated dust and neglected corners. I have time for light cleaning, but not any big projects, so I’m looking forward to having a little more time to feel like things are clean again.
two // This week I had at least two different people who told me that I look like a teenager. And a common reaction to people finding out that I am married is “you don’t look old enough to be married.” Um, thank you? I’m actually pretty used to this, because people have always guessed me to be a lot younger than I am. I guess it’s my round baby face that throws everyone off, because hopefully it’s not my style or behavior that causes people to think I’m sixteen (nothing against sixteen year olds, of course…i’m just twenty-six not sixteen). I suppose once I’m thirty five or forty, I will really appreciate looking ten years younger. But now…not so much.
three // We got our new puppy this week, and we’re having a fun/interesting time integrating her into our little home. We had originally planned on getting a pup in May, but found out that the mama we had put a deposit on had a false pregnancy and wouldn’t actually be having any pups. We had to change our deposit to another litter, which wouldn’t be ready to be picked up until the end of August. We were bummed at first, but came to realize that it was actually a good thing we wouldn’t be getting our dog when we had wanted, since our peach venture kept us a lot busier than we expected. We call her Layla, and while I’m not the world’s biggest dog lover, I do love this little one.
four // I’ve been thinking a lot again lately about insecurities, and while it could probably warrant an entire blog post on it’s own, for today I will say this: I see so clearly how insecurity keeps me from being myself and keeps me from the full life that I want. No matter what kind of insecurity I deal with (and we’ve all got different kinds), it only serves to keep me in this little box where it’s at least somewhat safe and non risky. Insecurity is not my friend, and yet sometimes I hold onto it so tightly because it feels so normal, and in a strange way, almost safe.. The really frustrating thing about insecurity is that you can’t usually just turn it off, even when you fully know that it’s affecting you and causing you to feel or behave in ways that are not the best. The antidote to insecurity isn’t in changing anything about myself…it’s only about finding who I really am. And the only One to tell me that is the One that made me, and dear heart of mine, if you would only listen to that One so much more than you do. #learning
five // Since we’re nearing the end of fresh peaches (so sad!), I have a few things I want to do yet with them. I’ve canned a few and frozen a bunch, and I use them in smoothies almost every day. I want to freeze more, because running out mid-winter would not be ideal, plus attempt some peach jam, a peach-orange marmalade, and more peach butter. And I still have yet to make a peach pie, since I’m usually too lazy and just do a crisp or cobbler. I love those, but there is something to be appreciated about a real homemade peach pie. Maybe I can whip one out yet before our season ends!
six // I’ve been re-reading this lately, and am so freshly reminded that relationships (with anyone, not just spouses) take effort and intention. And if I try to coast along, it will only inevitably go down-hill (since you can’t coast up hill). I’m pretty bad at intentional relationship, because I can so easily get caught up in my little world and my to-do list and whatever, and sorta forget people. One of the most inspirational things I’ve learned from Ben is to stop and notice people, and to forget the list and the work and to listen and care about people. I love that about him, and it’s something I have tried to cultivate in my own life. #learningthistoo
What about you: what are some of the thoughts in your heart right now?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
My only thought is how much I want to read that book. 🙂 And cheers to the good post. You are so good at this!