We are having so much fun with our baby girl these days. Like, literally every day seems more fun than the one before. She’s now almost ten months, which is crazy because that means in only two short months, she’ll have her first birthday! Ben and I get sucked into what we call the “Ayla hole” all the time, which basically means we sit down in the evenings before bed and pull up photos and videos on our phone and end up scrolling/watching them for like half an hour. Tell me we’re not the only ones who do that, hehe!
Here’s just a few things that I never want to forget:
- the little “uh!” exclamation she does whenever something falls on the floor from her high chair tray or when she’s sitting on our laps…and then she leans over and stares at it, seeming to attempt to will it back into her hands.
- the way she wraps her little arms around my neck and buries her head into my shoulder
- how she loves getting into her crib for naps and nighttime…like literally laughing and wiggling all over when you lay her down to sleep
- the chatters and squeals and funny noises that she does all day long
- the way she bobs her head to music and loves to jump up and down in our arms during worship at church
- the way her eyes light up when Ben comes home from work and gives her hugs and kisses
- the funny little motor sound she makes as she takes her little finger and pushes a toy or food crumb around on the table
- the way she makes her toes all pointy when she’s starting to get frustrated with something
- how she sits on the bathroom floor when I get ready in the morning and thinks the eyelash curling and teeth brushing are the funniest things
It’s such a special season in her life, and I hope these little things never lose their wonder and joy for me.
Have a great weekend, dears!
What about you: what is a thing that you never want to forget about this season in your life?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!