We have been having the most glorious winter weather the last few days, and I for one could not be happier. It’s cold, but it’s snowy and beautiful and and wonderful! We had a big storm (at least for this southerner) come in on Friday last week and now everything is covered in white. The temperatures are low but it somehow it feels ok because of the winter wonderland it gives us. I know this is only my opinion and some of the true northerner’s won’t agree with me…maybe give me a few winters here and it will all become old news to me too.
The storm was made even more fun with having my grandparents and mom here over the weekend! We were able to get out on Friday afternoon with them for a crepe lunch at one of my favorites spots (thanks to Ben driving…i would not have dared attempted to drive through that stuff) and it was so neat to sit in a cozy little cafe watching the snow fall with my family around me. I loved having them come for a visit and it was a different feeling being the one hosting them, instead of the other way around.
My grandparents + mom weren’t sure when they would be able to get out with the storm and roads like they were, but did make a break for it around noon on Saturday. It took them almost double the hours it normally does, but they made it safely!
The rest of the weekend was mostly just spent being cozy at home. We tried to talk ourselves into going out and about for different events, but we just couldn’t muster up the energy or motivation. That’s what happens when two introverts get married and have a home together. We can be just as happy being here as anywhere else. But once we do get out and spend time with friends or go to an event, we love it and have a great time. It’s essentially a win-win either way for us.
I realized yesterday that Christmas is next week already. It’s crazy how fast time goes, especially this time of year. We have a few Christmas events + outings planned yet, so I know that the big day will be here before I know it. I have my fingers crossed that everything will still be white for the 25th…a white Christmas sounds perfect to me!
What about you: what are your favorites parts of the holiday season?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I miss the white Christmas myself. Seems we always got snow on Christmas eve and we would have to drive in it to make it home. Once we plowed right off the road and had to be pulled out on Christmas Day and as we were sitting at Leos parents table his brother said “some dummy went off the road” Leo shyly said “that would be me” Those are the memories that you will have with your family when you are a “Senior” lol Have a great northern Christmas, You've got the ideal setting.