I told Ben the other day that I really don’t make a good blogger.
Odd side note: I was totally craving C A K E this weekend. This is odd for me, because I’m really not a cake person. I like my sweets, and have some sort of dessert-y thing almost every day (not sorry), but cake just isn’t my thing. But for some reason, I just wanted to sink my teeth into a totally soft and white-sugar-sweetened piece of cake. Thankfully, my baker-friend Kaylie made some of her famous cupcakes, which I enjoyed immensely during Sunday lunch with her family. Cake craving satisfied.
Another side note: I’m not craving cake because I’m pregnant…just making sure we’re all clear on that. (smiley face)
Have an A M A Z I N G week, dearies!
What about you: do you find it difficult to balance vulnerability and privacy?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I so understand this. All of this. The struggle between walking in the light and hiding, what that means personally with your husband or closest friends vs. what that means with the Internet, knowing how to maintain privacy while be vulnerable. Hard but good questions and ones I think we keep asking and adjusting on over time. ps I have learned the hard way how painful it can be when you share something with the world that you probably shouldn't so don't feel bad about thinking through what you share! It is wisdom.
pps I love reading here.
You had me scared there, for a second I thought you were saying you were going to quite blogging! Whew, glad that's not the case 🙂
Ditto what Shanna said.
Thanks for the encouragement, Shanna. Keep asking and adjusting over time: I think that is so key.
Thanks for reading!
Well, I have my moments, Miss Kate. 😉 But then once inspiration hits again, I'm like, yeah, I'll blog.
Thanks for reading!
yes Kate, those were my thoughts as well, Alicia i totaly understand what you are saying!! reading your blog is always invigerateing even tho i dont always reply..but i do press like..and i really do. !!
I was recently introduced to your blog by my sister, and I have been drawn to it so much. There is such a beautiful spirit that comes from it, one of strength, and gentleness, and love. Thank you for writing, for sharing your gifts with us! As someone who blogs at times, I well understand the struggle you are speaking of… It is one I continually battle as well. Good comment up above on continually evaluating and readjusting – well said.
Thanks, grandmom! I love having you read and you're always such an encourager. 🙂
Thanks for reading, Clarita! I could say all of the same things about your blog.
I love this. so true. I think it is a constant struggle for all of us bloggers.
For whatever its worth…I think you have discovered a really good balance. =)
Thank you, Chelsy! We'll keep working in keeping good balance.
Somehow I missed this entire post, and what a terrible one to skip over! Personally, I think you are far on the right track for posts, subject diversity/how often you post/the way you write. Do not be discouraged, my friend. “It's not always rainbows and butterflies, its compromise”as our friend Adam Lavigne says. ;] I follow what you say about being private, but I think the key is that when you DO post about deeper-maybe-uncomfortable things, its done so honestly that no matter how often or much you chose to say about them, it's impacting. I don't think it's wrong to hesitate before baring some things, but maybe if the thought keeps nagging at you then that is God encouraging you to share with a reader that needs it that day at that moment. To wrap this long-winded post up, I'm a “fan” of beautiful undefined. And YOU.