Many moons ago, I started a series that lasted for all of one post.
I, of course, have an excellent reason the series died out, since only a few weeks later I could barely stand to cook an egg, much less anything else do-it-your-selfie in the kitchen. But I have since returned to the kitchen with renewed vigor, and I’m here today to show you how to make marshmallows!
Marshmallows have been something I’ve thought about doing for a long time…not because I’m that big of a marshmallow fan (i actually don’t think i’ve had one in years…), but because they seemed so impossible. And because hey, hot chocolate really does taste better with melty pillows of marshmallow on top! I remember always trying to pick out as many of the the teensy little marshmallows as I could out of the Swiss Miss containers of hot chocolate mix we had when I was a kid (sorry siblings, that’s why there was never any left in there for you…).
I wanted to make something to give as gifts this year and marshmallows kept popping into my mind, and finally I decided to just go for it in spite of sincerely believing it would turn out as a massive flop. I don’t do well with recipes that require precision (hence the reason i still haven’t baked a loaf of bread), and I assumed marshmallows aren’t something you can really just “wing it” and expect great results. I was absolutely shocked when these little guys actually turned out and even tasted better than the store-bought kind (at least in my opinion).
I chose to use a recipe that calls for honey as the sweetener syrup, but you can find ones that use a variety of different sweeteners if honey isn’t your thing. These marshmallows do taste mildly of honey, but not overwhelmingly so. I was a little worried the honey would be too strong, but I find that it’s just right.
Once I set out to make these, I was so surprised at how easy it was. Seriously, it’s so easy. Some water and gelatin and your sweetener and a little love on the stove and whipping in a mixer and viola. Marshmallows! I’m not even a big marshmallow person and I can’t stop making hot cocoa just so I can have more of this fluffiness, and I even catch myself popping into the pantry just to grab a few pieces to snack on.
Honey Marshmallows
adapted from here
3 T. gelatin
1 cup water, divided
1 cup honey
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Place a half-cup of the cold water into the bowl of a stand mixer and sprinkle all the gelatin on top. Let soften while you prepare the syrup mixture.
Place the honey, half-cup of water, and salt into a saucepan. Heat on medium until syrup reaches 240 degrees, which will take seven to eight minutes. (this is the part where i did the “wing it” thing…i don’t have a candy thermometer so I just kept an eye on the time and took it off when it felt right). Remove from heat.
Using the mixer on low speed, gradually drizzle in the honey syrup into the gelatin mix until it’s all combined. Add the vanilla extract and increase mixer speed to high. Beat for twelve to fifteen minutes, until the mixture is light and fluffy (it looks like the marshmallow fluff you get in the can).
While your marshmallows are fluffing, line a few pans with parchment paper (i used a 9 x 13 plus a baking sheet). Grease the parchment. Pour the fluff into the pans and spread out (it will be sticky). I filled the 9 x 13 pan to make big, fat marshmallows, and then spread it a little thinner on a baking sheet to make thinner marshmallows.
Leave uncovered for ten to twelve hours to dry (until it’s no longer sticky). Using a kitchen scissors, cut into your desired shapes and sizes. Mix marshmallows with a little cornstarch to lightly coat and prevent them from sticking together.
Enjoy with hot cocoa + cozy blanket!
What about you: what’s your favorite way to use marshmallows…hot drink, s’mores, baking, etc.?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I love this! Can't wait to try! I've heard about homemade marshmallows for a long time but the recipes I always heard of had corn syrup in them + I figured if I was going to put something as bad for you as corn syrup in I might as well just buy them, unhealthy though they may be. =) But now…I am inspired. I wonder how they'd be with maple syrup..??? I think I may try that. I Loove marshmallows…actually lately got nearly addicted to having them in with my coffee + cream. =/ {sooo good}
I'm almost positive that maple syrup will work just as good as the honey…if you try it, let me know! And I've become nearly addicted to these as well…hot cocoa every day. 😉
This sounds so much easier than I imagined! And super delicious. Now I want to go make some. Today. 🙂
I hope they turn out for you!