I’ve recently picked up my camera again, after letting it intimidate me for far too long. I have this problem with not doing something if I can’t do it perfectly or nearly perfectly. Which is why my camera has sat by my desk for six months or more…until I finally realized how silly it is to let something collect dust just because it kicks your bum sometimes. I’m a hands-on-need-someone-to-show-me kind of learner, and cameras are confusing and I still don’t really get what ISO and aperture and all that is, but the point is I never will if I don’t give it a shot.
two. This guy talked me into taking a walk in the snow (as in snow-ing) on Sunday, because as much as I love the winter and the snow, I mostly just like to watch it from the warm indoors. He shot with his weapon (gun) and I shot with mine (camera).
three. My mom-in-law and sister-in-laws and I went out to a British eatery for a tea luncheon a few weeks ago, and it was such a fun time. We had the real-deal tea cups and tea pots imported from England, delicious tea, dainty sandwiches, and tasty pastry selections for dessert. All we needed were some accents and the Queen (or Princess Kate!) yet.
five. My coffee station is probably one of my favorite spots in the kitchen, especially after being awake for two-plus hours last night because of the insane wind beating against our house! Coffee, coffee, coffee, chocolate, coffee…makes everything better.
Cheers + a merry day to you all.
What about you: what are five things that you have done or enjoyed lately?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
1. read your blog
2. Giggle at your yeasty writing
3. Be impressed with your photography
4. Become hungry (4 out of 5 had something to do with food)
5. Smile and miss you 🙂
Your photos are fabulous. I can tell by the composition and editing that they are your style and I love that. Plus I love the peak into your life. You are intimidated by your camera, I am intimidated about making soup. Soup is NOT my favorite thing to make. It scares me.
Oh, Jackie-jack…you never fail to make me smile! Your words are sweet + encouraging. You should bring your new husband and visit me sometime!
Thanks, Heidi! Coming from you that is a real compliment! Too bad we don't live closer to each other and we could trade photography lessons for soup lessons. 🙂
Pshh. Don't know how to use your camera.
Pssshh. Don't know how to edit.
Girrl. You've got it goin' on. I'd say you're doing fabulously.
Sure. You might feel like you still have more to learn…but we all do, really.
My vote is that you get some more of your own art up on here. 🙂
Psssshhh, ain't got nothing on you, sister-friend! 🙂 You.are.my.photographer.crush.