You’ll have to bear with me…because for the rest of the summer, weekend recaps will primarily be one thing: we sold peaches. And actually, any recap of any week or day (besides Sunday) will primarily be one thing: I sold peaches.
Saturdays are our biggest day, and by the end of it, I just want to go home and sit down and do nothing for the rest of the evening. I do love it though…I love my little peach stand and I love selling good peaches to people who love them. I love helping people discover that these peaches are nothing like you get from the supermarket and that these Carolina peaches taste just like a peach should taste (i may slightly deepen any hint of a southern accent that i have when i talk about these peaches coming from the south…hehe). I love talking with customers, although this is what wears me out more than anything.
I’ve met so many different kinds of people at our peach stand…people from all over: New York City, Ohio, Texas, New Jersey, Connecticut…and I find it fascinating how people will stop and talk to you and tell you all kinds of things about themselves or about what they are doing or about their family when you take the time to ask them about these things. I also find it fascinating how many times I see someone walking up to the stand and they look a little grumpy and sour, and in my mind I’m like “oh boy…scary person”, and then I watch as a simple “hey there, how are you today” makes them look up at your face and they seem a little startled…surprised that someone is talking to them…and then another question like “are you enjoying this beautiful day” makes their face relax and the slightest of smiles appear. And before you know it, this sour looking person that looked a little scary turns into a different person that is engaged and smiling and not grumpy. It’s about turning that frown upside down, cupcake.
So yes, peaches again for the weekend…although we did sneak in a date night to Rochester on Friday night. I love those.
Yesterday was a perfect day of rest complete with lots of clouds and rain. I won’t say again how much I love those days…but I love those days. Sundays are my favorite day of the week, without question. We’ve been learning at church lately about the importance and value of rest, and how God is the one that implemented the idea of rest. It’s not laziness to take time to rest…it’s actually a God-thing. And I love that. I love that He looks out for us even in something as simple as giving us a day – a whole, entire day – devoted to rest and quiet and rejuvenation.
Some links:
– Making each other feel safe.
– I want to sing this at the top of my lungs every day.
– Squash + zucchini…use it up.
– Yes.
Have a marvelous week, ya’ll!
What about you: what was your weekend like?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I have listened to that song on repeat again and again and again. IT IS SO GOOD!