Have I ever mentioned that I love lists?
Like, I love them. I make lists for all kinds of things…grocery list, to-do list, movies-to-watch list, books-to-read list, things-to-buy list, wish list, and etc. I use the Paperless app on my phone for most of these lists, but I generally have my master to-do list on an actual piece of paper because there is nothing quite so satisfying as taking a pen and crossing something off the list that is now accomplished. I like to do things and get things done and feel successful at the end of the day with all that I’ve managed to do that day.
Do. Do. Do.
I’ve realized that so much of my life and days and feelings of success all have to do with doing. I realized that I let my lists and chores and housework and all the doing become my definition of a successful day. If I get everything done that I’ve set out to accomplish on a given day, then success! But what if my successful days have nothing to do with my to-do’s? What if my successful day comes down to doing only three things?
My new definition of a successful day is this: if at the end of the day I have loved Jesus, my husband, and my daughter well, than that is a successful day.
If my kitchen is a mess and my laundry isn’t folded and I didn’t have a chance to exercise and my blog is neglected and I didn’t get that friend called…but I have spent time with Jesus and been intentional about connecting with my husband and daughter…it’s a successful day. My top to-do’s should be those three things, every day. I’m teaching my heart to redefine success…to live slow and intentionally, taking time to connect with those I love, to care deeply for those I hold dear. I’m teaching my heart to love well above doing well.
What about you: what is your definition of a successful day?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
This is so good. Yes.