I like Mondays actually. I’m a stay-at-home mom, and Mondays are really one of my favorite days since it’s usually reserved for catching up with housework, laundry, cooking, and naps (for the little one…i’m not a good napper). I’m a creature of routine and structure, so home-days are good for me…vital for me, actually. When things at home start falling behind and piling up, my soul starts to feel cluttered and like it’s falling behind too, so I’m constantly trying to maintain a balance of home-time and time with friends for outings and play dates and runs into town for groceries or shopping. We have a few fun things planned for this week, so today it’s all about time at home with a few good naps (hopefully) and folding the pile of laundry and cleaning up the crumbs from the weekend.
Here are a few interesting + inspiring tidbits::
– this video is so mesmerizing
– we ate up some proper bagels this weekend, so yum
– a helpful decorating guide
– laughter!
– too cute and don’t we all feel like that sometimes
– snagged this on sale and it’s my new favorite piece
– i could eat this
Have a great Monday + week, dears!
What about you: what does your Monday’s usually look like?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!