I wish so badly I was a good do-it-youselfer, but I have to admit that I’m really a much better buy-it-youselfer.
I have so many friends who are experts at crafting and repurposing and making something artistic out of nothing, but I lack both the ability and patience to be such a person. I don’t know how many times I’ve bought something at a thrift store or a yard sale with big intentions of doing something really cool with it…repurposing or refinishing or re-doing. And.it.never.happens. I’ve finally mostly come to terms with the fact that I’m just not that kind of person! Poo woo.
But there has been one diy project that I did and it was the best one I’ve ever done. Of course, the project mostly involved buying a few minimal supplies at Hobby Lobby and then getting my husband to do most of the actual work buuuuuuut let’s pretend that I did it, k? This diy is my kind of project: you need three things and about three minutes and viola! Finished.
I knew I wanted to have some of little play gym for my baby to have to lay under and “play.” But honestly all the of the ones I could find were so big and bulky and overwhelmingly colorful that I just couldn’t bring myself to spend the money on one. I’m not even sure if I saw this idea in my head or on Pinterest or a blog or where, but this simple baby gym is so easy-peasy and so wallet-friendly and it’s honestly the best diy I’ve ever done.
All you need are three wood dowels, some suede leather cord, and about five minutes of your time. My kind of diy! Ayla uses this play gym every day and will lay underneath it and just jabber and make big eyes and swat at her hanging toy. What I love about the teepee set up is that the height is completely adjustable, so I can lower the toy within her hand range as she’s learning to coordinate her movements. It’s the sweetest thing to watch her try to get her hand to touch the toy and move it where she wants it to go!
Teepee Baby Gym
Three 1″ wooden dowel rods – i got mine at Hobby Lobby
Leather suede cord
A small toy – I used this teether ring but any small toy you can attach will do
Someone to help
Stand the dowels up in a teepee shape. Take the leather cording and wrap it tightly around each rod several times (this is where the someone-to-help comes in), and then finish by wrapping it around all three rods several times. Be sure to leave enough cord to hang down from the center point and tie a small toy onto the hanging cord. That’s it!
What about you: what’s the best diy you’ve ever done?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!