I am about to embark on the one of the greatest journeys a woman can face…motherhood.
Any day now, our first child will be born into this world, and I know from that moment on, my life will never be the same. I’ve been a lot of things in life…friend, sister, daughter, wife…but never a mama. I have yet to walk through the joys and challenges and changes that come from bringing a new life into the world, and today I am super excited to bring you (and me!) some tips and advice from some of my favorite mom bloggers for those of us who are entering in this new stage of life.
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Sarah Esh // Come What May
Mama to Carson
“If I could leave brand new moms with one piece of advice, it would be this: motherhood, and especially new motherhood, can feel lonely and isolated. No matter how hard or tiring or impossible it seems, prioritize relationships with those dearest to you and reach out to those who might be feeling lonely too. Build a group of friends who will encourage and support you, and who you can encourage and support in turn. Each and every stage of motherhood with have moments to celebrate and moments of heartache where you need a shoulder to cry – surround yourself with your closest girlfriends who can be with you through it all.
A second piece of advice: parenting is too serious to take too seriously. Enjoy each and every moment. Kiss your children often. Read books and play games together, even though the sink is full of dirty dishes and the laundry hasn’t been folded. And every once in a great while, let the kids stay up past their bedtime.
Thirdly, as a mom, grocery shopping alone is comparable to sunning yourself on a white sandy beach in the West Indies. When it happens, bask in the moment, because it really is the little things that make this life so wonderful!”
Clarita Barkman // Skies of Parchment
Mama to Zoe, Olivia, + Hudson
“As I look back on the first few days and weeks after my babies were born, it feels like a beautiful dream! That fresh, darling newborn baby, so perfect he would make me cry just looking down at him – he seemed so straight from Heaven. I wish I could have a newborn all the time…I love them so much!
My advice is this: just soak it in and relax. Don’t stress about how someone else parents, or about how to “do it right.” Just love your little newborn, because you’ll blink and they will be a month old or a year old, and the time passes so quickly. Hold your baby, cuddle him, don’t worry about spoiling him the first little bit. This precious little baby has been with you all its existence, and it is so soothing for him to be near you now. God gave this baby to you, not to anyone, and so nurture him with the instincts and gifting God has given to you. Don’t compare your mothering to someone else’s. Just love. Just delight. Just soak it in. It’s okay to ask advice from other women and mothers, but still be YOU.
On a practical note: sleep when you are tired! It is a stage where sleep sometimes feels non-existent, and if you need to sleep during the day, do. If your housework doesn’t feel caught up, it’s okay. Rest when you can, and it’s okay if you tell someone you’d love to see them but to please visit tomorrow when you are less exhausted. It’s okay to cry, even if you don’t know why. Your hormones have gone through the biggest change in the world, and they are trying to get back to normal. And sometimes you may feel over-the-moon contented and delighted, and other times will want to cry for no apparent reason. It’s okay. Be gentle with yourself.
And I always liked to have a few treats prepared for myself for after baby…little gifts to myself. Things like…delicious protein drinks (like Naked or Bolthouse Farms) to give added nutrition those first few weeks…or a few things like new slippers, new pajamas, and cozy and pretty lounge clothes for the weeks I’d be mostly at home but knew company would be coming.”
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Shelley Smucker // Frame of Mind
Mama to Jocelyn + Charlotte
“A bit of advice that is not original to me: You have to learn this skill set. I just love that thought, and it has stuck with me and given me hope that this third time around, I will hopefully know more than I did with the previous two!
I know that we all want to be the best mothers we can possibly be, from the ver moment that we give birth. However, it’s rather silly if you think about it, because we won’t approach anything else in life that way. We don’t pick up a violin for the first time and expect to be flawless rendition of Moonlit Sonata. We don’t hop on a snowboard for the first time and expect to master the half pipe and mogul. So why do we assume it will be that way with babies?
Even though pregnancy and childbirth are some of the “natural” things in all creation, these things still have to be learned. And learning takes time, experience, and yes, even mistakes now and then. So please, dearest new mom, give yourself grace! Run to Jesus, and call on others for help and support…allow yourself time to learn. It is so encouraging to see progress in yourself and realize that, yes, these life experiences are shaping and molding and refining me.
Often it will feel that as soon as you have learned something well and gotten into a bit of a routine…it changes. And since babies grow at the speed of lightening, the learning curve is steep! So try and be flexible, go with the flow, and be willing to start all over often. So whether this applies to nursing, scheduling, sleep training, whatever…remember that you are learning right along with your baby. You’re both brand new at this. It will take time and that’s ok.
It’s a beautiful thing to grow together.
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What about you: what are some tips + advice that you have for new moms?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
That photo of you is absolutely stunning. So excited for you that Baby arrives soon!
We can't wait! 😀
Your maternity style is SPOT ON. And I can't wait to see what you have! Thanks again for letting me be a part of this, it was so much fun and I enjoyed reading what Sarah and Clarita had to share too. Too bad we can't all go out for coffee together!! How fun that would be.
Thanks for being a part of this, Shelley! All of you ladies truly have wonderful things to contribute. Coffee + conversation would be such fun!
I loved this post, and what Shelley and Sarah had to say too – such great advice! And oh goodness, how I'd love sitting over coffee with you all! And all this baby talk gives me serious baby fever. 🙂 That and your beautiful maternity style and excitement about your new little one… It is one of the best things ever to happen in your life!
I loved hearing what you all had to say! Thanks for being a part of the collaboration. 😀
I think I will need to keep this for sometime a ways down the road. These were great to read!
They have some great tips!