It’s a fresh, new week full of possibilities, you guys!
It was another super gorgeous weekend in the Finger Lakes and we took full advantage of it with open windows all day and mowing the lawn (a fresh cut lawn is one of the best smells, right?!?) and sitting outside in the sun. I actually got tan lines and a mild burn from being in the sun for about thirty minutes, which goes to show how un-used to sunshine my skin is! It felt so nice to soak up the sun rays for a while. This week is supposed to be a little cooler and less sunshiney, but I’m not complaining because it’s still so lovely to have spring time here and seeing things begin to grow. I’m actually itching to get to a greenhouse sometime soon and get some flowers and herbs to put in some pots on the deck. I don’t know how much of a garden I’ll get around to this year, since even without having a newborn to care for, gardening is pretty low on my priority list…but I would like to eventually get in a few tomato plants at least. We’ll see if it happens…
So obviously we were really hoping we’d have our little one with us by now, but apparently he or she is feeling pretty cozy and happy in there. We took off for Ithaca on Saturday afternoon for a vigorous hike at a state park, but so far the only results from that outing was just having a really fun time with my husband, haha. It was super cool to be out in the woods and breathing in the spring air…it just feels invigorating! The hike was only about two miles back in to the waterfall we were going to see, but by the time we were heading back to the car, I was feeling a pretty wiped out…I guess carrying an extra human being with you does that to you! Plus not being able to use the bathroom for longer than thirty minutes at a time is always a little scary at this point, hehe. I literally took extra tissues with me in case I couldn’t make it through the entire hike, because the other day I was out on a walk and I literally didn’t think I would make it back to the house in time before things forcibly made their exit (sorry for the tmi…but it’s real issues y’all!). But we made it back and I immediately rushed to the ladies room, hehe.
Sunday was full of rest and grilling + friends over for lunch and, in all honesty, a big emotional melt down for this past-due-date mama. I’m generally doing so fine with waiting for this baby to come, and I didn’t realize that I was so attached to a due date since I know those are mostly just guesses…babies come when they come and your body knows when it’s ready! I know all that, but I also know that I AM SO READY TO MEET THIS LITTLE PERSON. And sometimes I feel so weary and drained and disappointed…it’s silly, I know…but not everything makes sense when you’re pregnant. So I had a good cry for a while and prayed with my husband and refocused my perspective. And I felt so much better. It’s so easy to focus on the one thing you want that you don’t have (yet!), and lose sight of all the rest of the overwhelming goodness and blessing of God.
The beautiful truth is…this baby does have to come out sometime. No one has ever been pregnant forever, hehe!
Here are five things:
– this skirt!
– this looks amazing
– making this (with honey!)
– this cute thing
– listening to this
Have a super week, y’all!
What about you: what was the BEST thing about your weekend?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I've been thinking of you a lot lately..& waiting to hear the news..I cried a couple of times in the last week of pregnancy and I didn't even go overdue! I labored for 36 hours and I cried lots of times in what seemed like an endless time..Some one shared this verse with me in the last week and I loved it then, but I love it even more now that I have my baby in my arms..
Isaiah 40:11
He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.
You are such a sweetheart, Carol! Thank you for sharing that verse…what a beautiful comfort + promise.
Thank you too for the prayers – people have been so kind to me during this waiting thing! I hope you + your sweet girl are doing well!
oh my, you look radiant. I know how trying these last moments are, so I'm cheering you on! yes indeed, that baby can't stay in there much longer;-)
Just when I thought maternity overalls were out of style. You sport them well, so much so that I declare by this photo, they are back in style!
best thing about my weekend was clothes on the line and a gentle spring breeze;-)
It won't be much longer friend, hang in there!
thinking about you so much! your perspective is so good and I hope I remember it come the end of June. so good and so hard to let go and wait and trust! what a comfort to know nobody has been pregnant forever, ha! hallelujah. Baby is coming!!
Haha, I'm not sure if maternity overalls are back in style or not, but they are comfy and that's what matters. 😉
Thanks for your sweet encouragement!
It IS so hard to let go, wait, and trust…I have to pray for grace every hour it seems! Your time will be here SOON too!! 😀