I have a hard time picking an absolute favorite month of the year….there are so many good ones.
April is a fun month since it holds my birthday and our anniversary (and next year the birth of our little one!!!), and it’s the beginning of spring and new life and warmth peaking through. But then June and July are great too because it’s summer and sunshine and being outdoors and vacations. I always love October because by the time it rolls around each year I feel so ready for the crunchy leaves and cool weather and boots and sweaters and hot apple cider and all things spiced and fall. November is Thanksgiving and the beginning of the holidays….but December? I just feel like probably December is my favorite one of all.
I am not ashamed to admit that I love-love-love Christmas, and if you are one of those bah-humbug types when it comes to this season of the year, I just don’t understand you at all.
Christmas is such a joy to me, for a variety of reasons. Sure I understand the over commercialized aspect of this season and how it’s lost its real and sacred meaning in this generation. But that certainly doesn’t mean that any of us have to fall prey to the way culture has twisted this special time of year. Christmas is about Christ and celebration and family. Is there much more meaningful than that in this life?
Sure, there’s the gifts (and i do love those!), but the gifts aren’t merely gifts for materialism’s sake. They are a way to express to those we love that we love them and we notice them and we want them to feel appreciated. Some people chose to forgo the gifts, and I completely respect that. I know people who chose to spend the money on giving to those in need, and I think that is really neat. But for me, I would have a hard time giving up the gift-giving to the ones I love, because it means a lot to me.
I am almost done with my Christmas shopping list, and it’s been so fun again to make that list and check it twice, and watch the pile of gifts for family and friends grow.
We spent our Thanksgiving with my family in the south, and it was a great time catching up with my aunts and uncles and cousins. Plus, the warmer weather was a nice perk. Thanksgiving meal is my favorite, and I think I ate enough sweet potato soufflé to last me at least until next year. I had my annual slice of french rhubarb pie as well. I’m not a big pie person, but french rhubarb pie is my weakness and my mom has made it on Thanksgiving for as long as I can remember.
We put up our tree and a few other decorations before we left for the south. Normally I’m fairly hard up on not putting out Christmas things until after Thanksgiving, but since we wouldn’t be home for the first part of December, I decided I wanted it to be festive and Christmas-y when we got back home. I feel like a Christmas tree has the ability to instantly make a home so uber-cozy, and it’s always a little sad to pack it up at the end of the holiday.
The rest of this month will fly by, as December always does. Holiday parties and dinners and shopping and lots of hot drinks and warm blankets…there is so much to love and celebrate.
What about you: what are your favorite things about December?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Would it be awful if I said my birthday? 😉 I'm typically a warmer season gal….but a good white snow around Christmas (just one would do :P) is always so lovely + cozy + peaceful.
Not awful. My birthday is my favorite too! 🙂