I hope that you feel something when you read my blog or see my photos or watch my life. But I hope what you don’t feel is comparison, insecurity, inadequacy, lacking, or that somehow you and your life do not measure up.
I hope that you don’t feel like my life is perfect or that I have it all together. Please, dear friend, don’t ever feel like that. Don’t ever let yourself believe that the life that someone shares on the internet or on social media is perfect. No one has a perfect life. No one. I have a good life, but not a perfect one. Most days you will find me with an old t-shirt and baggy shorts and a poorly-done top knot that always seems to want to lean to one side and make me look hilarious. Most times there are piles of dishes by the sink and crumbs from Ayla’s high chair on the floor beyond the photos of a meal or a baked good that’s just come out of my oven. I try to keep a neat home because clutter drives me crazy, but I don’t keep a perfect home. My windows are dirty, a collection of random items that needs organizing sits on the dryer, dust bunnies hang from the ceiling fan in our bedroom. But you’ll probably never see any of this, and honestly, I’m not about to show it all to you.
There’s a lot of conversation on authenticity going on all over the online world and I think it’s a good conversation, absolutely. But I also think that perhaps we tend to think of authenticity as “share the nitty gritty, dirty corners, darkest places” kind of thing, and while yes I do think that can be a part of being authentic, I tend to see the beautiful, precious, lovely moments of life as the most authentic authenticity of all. My life is full of richness, blessings, goodness, love, light, sweet moments. I have hard days, hard moments, battles to fight, pressures to push back against, doubts, insecurities, messy corners, and uncleaned areas of both my heart and home…but I don’t live my life focusing on those things. I live my life looking for the beauty and the sacredness and the sweet pursuit of Jesus in the every day.
So I talk about our weekends that are full of good times with my husband and child and family and friends because those are the beautiful moments I want to dwell in. I write about the blessing of being a mama and how I enjoy my baby girl because that is what I want my heart to fully experience. I share photos of little moments and pretty things and good food because those are all the things that I receive as blessings and gifts from my God. Those are the things I want to focus my heart on….not the hard things or the dirty corners. I want to live and share my life authentically with all of you, sweet friends, but because my life truly is full of goodness and blessing and beauty, that is what I hope you will see both IRL (that’s “in real life,” for those of you like myself that didn’t even know what that meant until a few weeks ago…it’s impossible to keep up with all the slang these days!) and from my online spaces.
What about you: what are your thoughts about being authentic in these online spaces? Do you wrestle with knowing exactly how do that for your own self?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I like your perspective on this.
You said it perfectly. That’s exactly how I feel about life and social media and I love seeing other people do the same!
Keep on, my friend. 🙂
Thanks, dear! Muah!
Wow, this is so good, Alicia! Just this morning I was talking with some ladies about contentment & how easy it is to be discontent when we see other’s fun/beautiful times & all we see is our own mess. It’s so much about perspective & choosing joy. Also, I love your description of your top knot 🙂
Perspective and choosing joy….right on!!
Looking for the beauty and the sacredness and the sweet pursuit of Jesus in the every day… Love that!!
It’s so much about being INTENTIONAL in seeing those things…we have to stop and look for them. 🙂
Alicia –
Not exactly a reply to this post, but in a way it is!
I just wanted to let you know that I am blessed and inspired by your blog. I am a young mom to a little one born 6/4/15 and I just get such a kick out of watching your little family + Ayla growing. Your photography refreshes my mind and inspires me, and I know that it is impossible for there not to be a “behind the scenes’ when you have a little one around…
I really just wanted to say thanks so much…reading your blog is a favorite leisure activity of mine when my baby is napping 🙂 Gives me lots of food for thought (loved your post on being a role-model to girls) and refreshes my soul and mind.
Blablabla! Thanks!
What a sweet, sweet word of encouragement! Thanks for reading + commenting, Maddie! xoxo